Neon Tetra Compatible Fish
Neon tetras are extremely peaceful fish but can get slightly aggressive during the mating season. May 23 2016.
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Yes Neon tetra and Guppy are compatible beings.

Neon tetra compatible fish. These fish are well known for having peaceful temperaments friendly nature and beautiful patterns. Not only fish but snails and shrimps are also quite compatible with Platy fish. To sum up you can feed Betta food to Neon Tetras but the other way around would not be sufficient.
The compatible fish with Neon Tetra has to be both behavior and parameters of the aquarium ie they must meet the following requirements. This is because Betta fish is a lot richer in protein than regular fish food. As we can see from the above keeping a water temperature between 76-82F and the pH between 68-75 would be ideal for your Betta fish and your Neon tetras will feel great as well.
Theyre easy to find theyre inexpensive and they come in a variety of colors. Those who have somewhat more aggressive behavior or who have a tendency to nibble on their tails are not good fish tank mates. Fish That Can Be Kept With Crayfish With the small crayfish such as Cambarellus you can keep neon tetras mollies platies swordtails and small catfish like Ancistrus.
Both Guppy fish And Neon Tetra belong to the tropical freshwaters of South America Amazon. Neon tetras make good tank mates with angelfish bettas cardinal tetras cory catfish discus fish guppies harlequin rasboras mollies plecos white cloud minnows and of course other neon tetras. Of course we dont have to mention that keeping the tank clean checking water quality and simply taking care of them is extremely important.
The other 2 fish. Might be a good idea if you go to your LFS and see what they have and see if the fish you want are all compatible. Good luck on the stocking.
The blood fin he eats like a pig but the pink tetra fish will eat if the food falls sometimes. Neon tetras make good tank mates with angelfish bettas cardinal tetras cory catfish discus fish guppies harlequin rasboras mollies plecos white cloud minnows and of course other neon tetras. The Neon Tetra is compatible with some of the following fish.
Another great fact about these two fish is that GloFish Danios are top dwellers while Neon Tetras are middle to bottom swimmers. Right now my QT tank is housing 7 boesemanI rainbowfish and 3 neon tetra. The perfect tank Mates for Neon and Cardinal tetra would be any peaceful species of the same size.
Neon Tetras are one of the most popular freshwater fish for beginners. They can also co-exist with African dwarf frogs apple snails loaches and ghost shrimp. Let them be peaceful.
It is possible due to the various similarities between the two fish. Are Neon Tetras And Zebra Danios Compatible. The Blue Diamond tertas both of them will not eat and I feed them flake food.
GloFish Danios are Zebra Danios and would live compatibly with Neon Tetras. I have the neons in a breeder net right now so that my fear isnt realized. The tank is cycled its a ten gallon with 4 Tetras.
They can also co-exist with African dwarf frogs apple snails loaches and ghost shrimp. Both of the fish can live together. I should note that larger more aggressive fish such as.
Fish like Mollies Guppies Swordtail Endlers Gourami Betta Neon Tetra Cherry Barb Danios and so on will happily share the tank with your Platy fish. The neons are really tiny and Im afraid that the rainbows are going to eat them. Am I being too cautious or should I.
Keeping Guppies in a. You can find Guppies in a wide range of exciting colors which is especially true when it comes to the males. Guppies Angelfish Use With Caution Mollies Loaches Cardinal Tetras Corydoras Catfish and other friendly fish.
These slim-bodied beauties are ideal tank mates for Neon Tetras as both of them are peaceful omnivorous fish. When you first bring your new fish home from the pet store or aquarium there might be some questions about. The GloFish Danios have plenty in common with the Neon Tetra including its size and temperament.
That said aggressive fish like cichlids barbs and any other large fish would not make great tank mates for your Neons. You could add some amano shrimp they are really nice and make the tank interesting and a nice housekeeper isnt bad at all or maybe some corrys theyre school fish like tetra and they are really cool. Since neon tetras are schooling fish the minimum school size would be 4-5 tetras.
Neon Tetras are mid-area fish and would rarely eat from the bottom. Theyll sometimes eat fish and plants frogs too but fish are seldom eaten because crayfish normally are not able to catch healthy animals.
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